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Unreal Engine Basics Tutorial

by Mecri Unlimited dev studios 2023. 10. 6.

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you understand the basics of Unreal Engine:

1.Download and Install Unreal Engine:

  • Visit the official Unreal Engine website (https://www.unrealengine.com/) and create an Epic Games account.
  • Download and install the Epic Games Launcher.
  • In the Launcher, go to the "Unreal Engine" tab and install the latest version.

2. Launch Unreal Engine:

  • Open the Epic Games Launcher.
  • Go to the "Library" tab and click "Launch" under Unreal Engine.

3. Unreal Engine Interface:

  • Familiarize yourself with the main components of the Unreal Engine interface:
    • Viewport: Where you view and interact with your game world.
    • Content Browser: Houses all your assets (meshes, textures, materials, etc.).
    • Details Panel: Displays properties and settings for selected objects.
    • World Outliner: Lists all the objects in your level.
    • Toolbar: Contains various tools and modes for editing.

4. Create a New Project:

  • Click on "New Project" in the Unreal Engine launcher.
  • Choose a template based on your project type (e.g., First Person, Third Person, Blueprint, etc.).
  • Set project settings (name, location, etc.) and click "Create Project."

5. Viewport Navigation:

  • Use the right mouse button to rotate the view, the middle mouse button to pan, and the scroll wheel to zoom in and out.

6. Place Objects (Actors):

  • Drag and drop objects from the Content Browser into the level.
  • Adjust their properties in the Details Panel.

7. Materials and Textures:

  • Learn how to apply materials and textures to objects.
  • Experiment with creating simple materials using the Material Editor.

8. Blueprints and Visual Scripting:

  • Understand the basics of Blueprints, Unreal Engine's visual scripting system.
  • Create simple Blueprints to control game logic.

9. Lighting:

  • Experiment with different types of lights (point lights, directional lights, etc.).
  • Adjust lighting settings to achieve the desired mood.

10. Build and Play:

  • Click "Build" to compile your project.
  • Click "Play" to test your level in the viewport.

11. Explore Documentation and Tutorials:

  • Visit the official Unreal Engine documentation (https://docs.unrealengine.com/) for in-depth information on various topics.
  • Explore online tutorials and community resources to enhance your skills.

12. Join the Unreal Engine Community:

  • Engage with the Unreal Engine community on forums, social media, and other platforms.
  • Share your progress, ask questions, and learn from others.

13. Keep Learning and Experimenting:

  • Unreal Engine is a powerful tool with many features. Keep exploring and experimenting to deepen your understanding.

This tutorial provides a foundational understanding of Unreal Engine basics, enabling you to start creating and experimenting with your own projects. As you progress, consider diving deeper into specific aspects like animation, advanced materials, and game mechanics.