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game engine

Cocos Creator engine features

by Mecri Unlimited dev studios 2023. 10. 6.

Cocos Creator is a game development engine that has undergone various updates and improvements. Below are some features and differences in versions based on the information available until that time. Keep in mind that there might be new features or changes after this date:

Cocos Creator 2.x Features:

  1. 3D Game Development:
    • Cocos Creator 2.x introduced enhanced support for 3D game development, allowing developers to create both 2D and 3D games within the same engine.
  2. Scripting Languages:
    • Cocos Creator primarily supports scripting using JavaScript or TypeScript, providing flexibility for developers with different language preferences.
  3. Visual Editor:
    • The engine features a visual editor that simplifies the process of designing game scenes, editing animations, and managing assets.
  4. Animation System:
    • Cocos Creator includes a robust animation system that allows developers to create and manage complex animations for various game objects.
  5. Physics Engine:
    • It comes with an integrated physics engine that supports features like collisions, rigid bodies, and more, aiding in realistic game physics.
  6. Cross-Platform Development:
    • Cocos Creator allows developers to export games for multiple platforms, including HTML5, Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, and more.
  7. Asset Pipeline:
    • The asset management system streamlines the import and usage of assets such as images, audio files, and 3D models.
  8. Component-Based Architecture:
    • Cocos Creator follows a component-based architecture, allowing developers to create reusable and modular components for game objects.
  9. Community and Documentation:
    • The engine has an active community and comprehensive documentation, providing resources and support for developers.

Cocos Creator 3.x Features (at the time of the last update):

  1. Entity-Component System (ECS):
    • Cocos Creator 3.x introduced an Entity-Component System, providing a more efficient and flexible approach to game development.
  2. Improved 3D Rendering:
    • Building upon the 3D capabilities, Cocos Creator 3.x includes improvements in 3D rendering and lighting for enhanced visual quality.
  3. Custom Shader Support:
    • The engine allows developers to create custom shaders for advanced graphics and visual effects.
  4. Rendering Pipelines:
    • Cocos Creator 3.x introduced customizable rendering pipelines, giving developers more control over the rendering process.
  5. WebGPU Support:
    • Cocos Creator 3.x added support for WebGPU, a modern graphics API that enhances performance on web platforms.
  6. Improved Scripting Workflow:
    • The scripting workflow is further improved, providing better tooling and features for JavaScript and TypeScript developers.
  7. Modern Editor UI:
    • The editor UI has been updated for a more modern and user-friendly experience.
  8. Cocos Play for Real-Time Testing:
    • Cocos Creator 3.x introduced Cocos Play, a real-time testing platform that allows developers to test their games instantly on multiple devices.

General Considerations:

  • Updates and Improvements:
    • Both Cocos Creator 2.x and 3.x have received updates and improvements, including bug fixes and new features. Always check the official release notes for the latest changes.
  • Community Engagement:
    • The community around Cocos Creator actively contributes to forums and discussions. Staying engaged with the community can provide insights into best practices and solutions to common issues.

Before starting a new project or updating an existing one, it's recommended to check the official Cocos Creator documentation and release notes for the most up-to-date information on features and improvements.


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